
Calgary Chess School Provides a fun and efficient environment for kids to learn and improve chess. We are providing online classes with 5 different levels to suit kids' different requirements:


Beginners in chess are individuals with minimal or zero prior experience in the game. 

They might not possess a solid grasp of the game's rules, fundamental strategies, or tactics. 

They may be unfamiliar with piece movement, board setup, and even the concept of checkmate. 

Pure beginners should commence their chess journey by mastering the fundamentals and gradually enhancing their abilities through dedicated practice and guidance from more seasoned players.


Novice players have acquired a grasp of the fundamental rules of chess, can proficiently arrange the board, and comprehend piece movements. 

While some may have a good understanding of checkmate, others might require additional practice in this aspect. 

Novice players are in the process of honing basic strategies and tactics, including the art of controlling the board's center, developing their pieces, and safeguarding their king. 

They might have engaged in a few games and secured victories against fellow novices, but they remain a considerable distance from achieving the status of intermediate players due to the substantial learning still ahead.


Intermediate players have solidified their foundational understanding of chess and possess a proficient grasp of the core strategies and tactics. 

They can readily identify common patterns and might have garnered experience with various opening moves and defensive techniques. 

They are at ease with most fundamental tactical maneuvers, including forks, pins, and skewers, and can apply them effectively during their games. 

Additionally, they demonstrate the ability to calculate straightforward variations and conduct some degree of self-analysis when reviewing their games. 

While intermediate players frequently triumph against novices and fellow intermediates, they may encounter difficulties when facing stronger opponents. 

To continue their growth, intermediate players should persist in honing their skills and exploring various dimensions of the game, such as more advanced tactics, positional play, and endgame strategies.


Players at the pre-advanced level have established a robust foundation in chess and exhibit proficiency across most aspects of the game. 

They possess a sound comprehension of intricate strategies and tactics and can adeptly apply them during their matches. 

These players have delved deeply into the study of diverse opening moves and defensive techniques, displaying confidence when playing both as black and white. 

Pre-advanced players excel in calculating intricate variations and demonstrate prowess in the analysis of not only their own games but also those of their opponents. 

They possess a keen understanding of positional play, enabling them to assess diverse board positions effectively. Pre-advanced players frequently secure victories against intermediate opponents and can often hold their own when pitted against stronger adversaries.


Advanced players boast a profound mastery of every facet of chess, encompassing strategy, tactics, positional play, and endgame finesse. 

They have immersed themselves in the intricate intricacies of diverse opening strategies and defenses, accumulating a broad knowledge base spanning numerous variations. 

These players possess the remarkable ability to swiftly and accurately calculate complex variations and exhibit exceptional skill in dissecting not only their own games but also those of their adversaries.

Furthermore, advanced players possess a keen comprehension of long-term planning, enabling them to craft and execute intricate strategies during their matches. 

They excel in competing against formidable opponents, often emerging victorious, and can frequently vie at a high competitive level in tournaments. 

To continue their relentless quest for improvement, advanced players must remain dedicated to continuous study, rigorous practice, analytical self-evaluation, and challenging games against fellow formidable competitors.