Q: How to get a lichess account?

A: lichess is our main platform to teach and play. You can go to https://lichess.org to apply one for free.

Q: How to play an after-class practicing tournament?

A: We set up a tournament after each class, everyone is welcome to play. However, you have to be our lichess team member before you can play there. Currently we have two teams, and their links are

Intermediate and Open section: https://lichess.org/team/calgary-chess-school-intermediate-section

Beginner and Novice section: https://lichess.org/team/calgary-chess-school-beginner-section

Once you have a lichess account, you can click one of the links above, and we will receive your request to join. Usually we will approve the request right away, and you will be a member of the team and can play any tournament held by the team.

Q: How do swiss tournaments work?

A: We usually set up swiss tournament after class. When you join the tournament, you don't need to do anything, just wait till the system pair you with another player. Competitors meet one-on-one in each round and are paired using a set of rules designed to ensure that each competitor plays opponents with a similar running score, but not the same opponent more than once. When everyone finishes game in the round, the next round will start automatically. The winner is the competitor with the highest aggregate points earned in all rounds.

Q: What's CFC rating and how can I get one?

A: CFC stands for Chess Federation of Canada. CFC will give or update players who participate its official recognized tournament ratings. To get a rating, you need to get a CFC membership first. You can go to https://www.chess.ca/en/players/membership-join/ and follow the prompt to apply for one. Usually you don't need to pay for the membership unless you need to join a tournament with both adults and junior players. What our junior player usually have is called Quick ratings.

Once you have your CFC number, you can go to https://www.chess.ca/en/ratings/ to check your updated ratings (CFC updates every week)

Q: How to join CCS weekly CFC rated tournament?

A: Everyone is welcomed to join our weekly CFC rated tournament. It will be held in lichess at 5:30 pm (MDT) on Sundays. You need to fill a form before the deadline and e-transfer tournament fee, then you will be given an invitation to the tournament. (You need a CFC number to get your rating, so please apply one before join the tournament).

Q: What's CJCC and ACA? Are there any other chess club in Calgary and Alberta where my kids can learn and play chess?

CJCC stands for Calgary Junior Chess Centre, which is a club for only junior players. It organizes all the city and provincial (if it's in Calgary) level junior chess tournaments, you need to be a member of the club before you can play its tournament. You can get more information from https://www.calgaryjuniorchess.com/CJCC/Home/Home

ACA stands for Alberta Chess Association, which is the official chess organization of Alberta. You can find all the information about Alberta chess from http://www.albertachess.org/home/

Calgary Chess Club is a good place for advanced junior chess players to improve their skills there, since it organizes lots of slow game tournaments. Here is the website: https://calgarychess.com/